Welcome to 2017 International Multidisciplinary Conferences on Productivity and Sustainability website
Welcome to 2017 International Multidisciplinary Conferences on Productivity and Sustainability website
ICSBS-2017 Invited Speakers
International Conference on Productivity and Sustainability in Social and Behavioral Studies
5-7 December 2017, Alila Hotel Jakarta
Prof. Johana E. Prawitasari
Krida Wacana Christian University, Jakarta, Indonesia
Johana E. Prawitasari Hadiyono, PhD (University of Arizona, USA, 1985) is a senior in clinical psychology at Christian University of Krida Wacana (UKRIDA) since 2012 after her retirement from Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM).
She and her medical and pharmacology colleagues at UGM developed Interactional Group Disscusion (IGD) in 1992 to reduce the unnessesary used of injections in public health centers. IGD has been replicated in China, India, Nepal, Pakistan, and Tanzania.
Macro applied of clinical psychology has been one of her research focus since 1992 as well as the study of emotions. Her book , "Clinical Psychology: Introduction to Micro to Macro Implementations", has become a major text book in many Universities that have Faculty of Psychology in Indonesia.
Prof. Sri Suryawati
United Nations, Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Sri Suryawati is a professor in pharmacology and therapeutics, Head of Division of Clinical Pharmacology and Medicine Policy, Faculty of Medicine Gadjah Mada University.
Vast international experience in international drug control system, pharmaceutical policy and management, drug evaluation and pre-market authorization, community participation to improve quality use of medicines, at policy, strategy, as well as implementation levels.
Dr. Pillar Ramos-Jimenez
Philippine NGO Council on Population Health and Welfare, Pasay, Philippine
Dr. Pilar "Lalay" Ramos Jimenez is a health social scientist and a member of De La Salle University's Society of Fellows in Manila, Philippines.
She was Ford Foundation Jakarta Office's SRH Program Officer from 2007 to 2009, She is a consultant for international and national agencies including the UNFPA Country Offices of Indonesia and the Philippines for the South-South Cooperation (SSC) Program which involves BKKBN, the Philippine Commission on Population and other partners.